Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mailboxes, Feb 13, 2008

Yesterday I didn't make time to walk. Instead, we succumbed to temptation and went to dinner w/ a visiting author we know. Walking probably would have been a better choice!

So today, despite an impromptu trip to the temple that took nearly 7 hours, and other events, I was determined to fulfill my commitement to myself and walk the mailboxes.

We set out around 4 pm. The temperature was in the low 70s, very comfy. From the start my legs felt like they were made of mush and I despaired of matching my time from Feb 11. This is what I get for not walking every day, I figured - and for sitting in the car or elsewhere for much of the day.

My target was Mailbox #8 again (since I didn't walk yesterday, I had to repeat), and I was surprised to see I got there in good season despite the mushy-muscle feeling. When I walked back in the door, having made it to #8 and back, the time was - a big surprise! 21 minutes, 3 minutes faster than two days ago!

Wow! I'm impressed and happy! Target tomorrow: Mailbox #9 (right next to #8). PL

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

WOW! Good job! I love it when you think you're barely "there" and you end up doing better than when you're "on" :).