Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mailbox #9: Feb 14 2008

Just completed the walk to M#9 in 20 min, fastest pace to date. (#9 is next to #8). #10 is a challenge - down into the wash, and of course return by the same course. Feelin' good! PL


Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!! How many steps are you up to?

Mom and I have started walking together. Today we walked around the south side of town... stopping at the PO.. then the new beauty shop... all in all... about 5000 steps!

It's so fun to have my folks here in town!

Peg Lewis said...

I haven't been counting steps, but I'm ready to. Our best guess right now is that it's about a mile, so that would be 1000 paces, 2000 steps. But Buster the Pedometer will let me know. I'll see if I can remember him for Mailbox #10!

Walking is great. I'm going to do a post about that...

Thanks for commenting! PL

Martie said...

Very good! Keep it up. There's little that feels better than being in control of the ol' bod.
