Friday, February 8, 2008

How To Walk Mailboxes - The Rules

A person could just head out and walk to different mailboxes but then it would be possible for them to make shortcuts - inadvertently of course - and not really get the full benefit. Since it is likely that I would be one of those people, my safe-at-home full-of-ambition alter-ego created this rule set:

1. Add one new mailbox each day.
2. Return home by the same route. (This one sounds simple till you begin to apply it...)
3. If you miss a day, make no change in applying Rule #1.
4. If you miss another day, back off one day (one mailbox).
5. If you miss because you are sick, back off one mailbox each subsequent day; if you miss because you are bad, back off one mailbox every two days.
6. Each mailbox counts as a mailbox. If several come together in clumps, count them separately.
7. If you don't have mailboxes at the street, maybe count driveways instead.

Try it, then report back here on how you're doing. And if you see me breaking any of the rules, please comment. PL

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