Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sis Baty Called Back, and...

Sis Baty called back, and asked for D's blood pressure numbers and my blood iron numbers. I gave them to her. She asked what mine had been. I told her. She was delighted in the change. She asked if I was going to keep on taking iron. I told her I certainly was. She asked if I had more energy already...I was agreeable about that.

Then she said...ok, then, I will pass these papers on (said with many exclamation points). !!!!!

So I said THANK YOU (with many more exclamation points). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And she sounded pleased at that and said a buoyant goodbye.

So that's that. The papers have made it through the first Church Headquarters filter.

(Since I didn't know there was one at this stage, I couldn't venture to guess how many more there might be.)

But...it is possible they will go to the Brethren now.



Real said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news. Can't wait for more!

MandaMommy said...

Wow! Congrats! How exciting!

Martie said...

