Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mission Update 5/15/08

We just got a call from the Missionary Dept. They would like to send us on a mission but Bro Lewis's blood pressure is too high.

Sis Lewis: Oh, Sis Baty called about that last week and wouldn't release our papers to you until we could give her a good report.

Bro Evans: Oh she already did that!

Sis Lewis: Yes, would you like to know what the numbers were?

Bro Evans: Oh yes, certainly.

Sis Lewis: (reports the three days of good numbers)

Bro Evans: Sounds like you folks should go on a mission! Congratulations on the good blood pressure! You've missed the committee rotation for this week but they will go to the committee next week, and you should get a letter from us, oh, in about 2 weeks.

Sis Lewis: hmm, we'll be in Salt Lake by then!

Bro Evans: Let me ck the address, oh yes, Quail Run Sandy, very good.

Sis Lewis (w/ a sigh): Thank you!

Bro Evans: Bye

So...about Wed May 28 or Thurs May 29, at Chris's, just as he and Andrya had hoped. Unless someone else would like to know something else! :)


Elizabeth said...

At least they're thorough!

MandaMommy said...

That's great news! And at least they're pretty quick about all of this!

Anonymous said...

AKKKK!!! It's not Quail RUN, but Quail HOLLOW. THat's a completely different street a few blocks over.

Please change the address!!!!
