Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Papers Update 5/6/08

OK, just got a message from our awesome go-the-extra-mile bishop. And it said, when he opened our file it disclosed that...

Our papers are now at Church Headquarters!


It brought tears to my eyes and a pitter-pat to my heart. It looks like this is really going to happen!

We could hear next week I suppose, but it's much more likely that we'll hear the week after. Or the week after that, maybe? What do you think?

How 'bout everyone who reads this vote on 1) when you think they will come, and 2) where you think we will go. Spouses vote separately... (we need lots of votes to make it fun - please vote! Just submit a comment here.)

Anyway, the send-call-to address is still Chris's, just in case we're on the road. So I'd still like to do the conference-call opening, if anyone is game. Not everyone has to be there. See earlier post about this. And let me know in your comment whether you want to be there...or at least be informed that it's happening.

OK, I can't prolong this message any more. I've got to go sort Nana's stuff for the move. 10 boxes left to go. Etc.



MandaMommy said...

YAAAAY! I think we would love to be part of the call for the opening, as long as we're available at the time.

My votes are:
1) The call will come the week after next.
2) You will go to Canada (Quebec). Though I don't know what sort of mission you requested or specified, so that's mostly random.

trogonpete said...


1. In 2 weeks, on friday.
2. Pacific island. Guam, samoa, tonga, marshalls, fiji, new caledonia, etc. Not all of them, just one archipelago.

Very exciting!! Please include us in the opening ceremony.

Peg Lewis said...

You don't know what kind of mission we requested? Hmm, maybe I left that out?

We requested a Church History and Family History mission in SLC.

But we are open to anything.

Except that I did happen to put in the relevant slot in the application that I was not at my best in tropical places. So ... hmmm, about those archipelagos...

The Quebec idea is very interesting. It would suit well in that we both have passable French, and said we were quite willing to learn a new language or however that was phrased.

Thanks for the prophecies, in any case. We'll see, we'll see!

Anonymous said...

Wahooo! We're thrilled for you, well I'm thrilled for you and when I get to see my husband again (who is partying in San Fran right about now), I'm sure he'll be thrilled too.
1. May 16
2. Ivory Coast Abidjan CES
Do we get to see you at the end of the month????