Saturday, May 17, 2008

Progress On Move

These cute grandkids keep coming over and that doesn't make moving any easier!

But as for our infinite quantity of belongings, we are continuing to close doors, literally: both front bedrooms are CLOSED. Their bathroom is CLOSED. The supply closet is CLOSED as of 30 minutes ago...

The living room is lined w/ boxes and has furniture awaiting their ride north, but otherwise it is done.

That leaves the kitchen (needs to be used for another day and a half), family room (an hour's work needed from me), D's office (needs furniture moved out, closet needs an hour's attention from me), our room's closet is CLOSED, bathroom almost, bedroom almost... Clothes are all sorted and packed, and that was the biggest deal in the bedroom.

We'll make it. Monday is another day, not without its challenges (103 degrees, for example). That's the day we load the car and U-Haul trailer. Everything else goes in the moving van on Tuesday morning (104 degrees forecast). That night we have a date, then Wed morning I have an appt, then Wed noon we have a date, then Wed afternoon we leave and go as far as N AZ.

On Thurs we meet up w/ Van and the girls...


trogonpete said...

Wow. That sounds so stressful. But at the same time, it must be really exciting to simplify things so much!

trogonpete said...

Oops, that was from mandamommy not trogonpete