Thursday, March 13, 2008

How To Feel Better

On a test of 8 measures of well-being, women who took up an exercise program increased their score significantly over a 6-month period. Here's the article:

AHA: A Little Exercise Goes a Long Way for Overweight Older Women

They said that while the study was done on older women, there was no reason to expect the results to be different with other folks.

I am 2 months into my exercise program (as opposed to my usual less diligent program) and I do feel better. I certainly can walk better and farther! I wonder what 6 months will bring!

Really, exercise isn't optional for a well-functioning, good-feeling body: we weren't designed that way - sedentary beings used to be eaten.

I like starting slow, like the mailbox technique. No one day was hard on my body, but now I am walking over 2 miles per day at a decent clip instead of 200 feet.

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