Thursday, March 13, 2008

What Seniors Are About

Here's a quote from a recent book on marketing to seniors. I thought it was pretty close to what I am experiencing in my life. Just in case the mindset I exhibit is a puzzle to you...

People who have a middle-aged perspective look for deeper psychological and metaphorical meanings, and grasp the relationship between concepts more quickly. They value self-sufficiency, social connection, altruism, personal growth, and personal revitalization.



MandaMommy said...

Any chance that was written by a senior?

trogonpete said...

...and prefer whitefish over rainbow trout, always turn to the left when standing up from the toilet, are always impatient waiting at the cash register, and have trouble multiplying even numbers by primes.

I think you're a bit more complicated, interesting, and human than that.

Just saying.

Peg Lewis said...

Oh. Well, good then.

What I AM experiencing is more and more connectedness between things and finally coming to the point where I understand symbolism to some extent.

And tons of other stuff.

And at the same time seeing us all act more like we did in the 1970s, minus the polyester and bellbottoms. Is it an unpopular war and high gas prices that does it?

Whatever it is, it is enough to make us think twice about where we live, and how.

MandaMommy said...

Maybe our country is coming down from it's "we're THE world superpower" high.

Peg Lewis said...

Corporate and governmental greed have ruined it. We need to go back to city-states, or something. I don't know my history well enough. I just know that the best thing I can do is find that land that sounded romantic and interesting a few years ago and now sounds urgent and critical. You know what I mean?