Monday, March 10, 2008

Mailbox #19, March 10

Well, it's a whole new mailbox, and at the landmark #15 the pace was not too bad, but not record-setting by a long stretch: 37.5 min instead of the all-time best of 34.5.

The time for the new mailbox and back was 52 min. It was what it was. I was feeling the fatigue of walking all-out for 50 min. Mailbox #19 takes a little over 2 miles of walking and has 6 hills.

I now 'own' #18!

It's warming up a bit and I'm going to try to walk in the mornings on busy days, just to make sure it happens. With no time change, the sun will be getting up VERY early!

Don't forget to cheer when I hit #20! (That will be Wednesday - Tuesday is always #15.)

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