Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our SLC Apartment

We just received our housing assignment for our mission. Our address will be: 131 W 200 N #5. It is in the Garden Apartments complex, half a block due west of the Conference Center.

Our ward is the Salt Lake City Stake 2nd Branch. It meets directly across 200 N from our apartment. Our church meetings are from 1:30 to 4:30.

Our apartment is available beginning Nov 6. We have an appointment to pick up the keys at 10 am that day.

Our first mission meeting is a luncheon on Friday Nov 7. We start training on Monday Nov 10. Training lasts 2 weeks, at the end of which we will receive our assignment.

I need to find my winter boots.

1 comment:

Real said...

That's so cool!

Did the Hubba tell you that some good friends of ours (who own the cabin) got their mission call the day we arrived up there for vacation? Cape Verde. They report on the 6th, too. We thought you might overlap but then remembered you won't be in the MTC.

Anyway, congratulations! How fun to have actual dates and times and meetings and housing!