Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What Elder Godfrey Said - Then And Now

Last Friday when I called Elder Godfrey from the Missionary Department to request our address change, and he told me about the mustache and all that old news, he also said our call would be mailed on Tuesday (today).

Just now I talked to him again to find out where to send the new photo he requested.

And attempted to verify that we were expecting the call later this week.

And he said, well, if all goes well, the computer system works, no secretaries are sick and so on, we could expect it in two or three or maybe four weeks.

I reminded him that last Friday he said it would go out today and he said, well, if that's what he said then that was probably good, but he didn't have the stacks any more and couldn't say for sure.

Now the interesting thing about this is that over the past several weeks I have shared with several family members that I knew that it wasn't coming two weeks ago (though we thought it should, by rights) and it wasn't coming last week (though technically it should have, from what we knew). I also shared that as I looked at the weeks ahead, I saw that this week there was a faint chance, but that my real sense of it was that it was actually coming the following week, or more likely the week after. This was a clear vision of a reality, and didn't make any sense at the time.

When Elder Godfrey said it was coming this week, I accepted that with delight, but was surprised because of that prior clear vision. Now what he's saying is more compatible with the original vision of it.

So now we can all just sit back and wait for a miracle (its coming this week) or a wait a little longer for what is more likely...

Stay tuned!

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