Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's HERE!

but we haven't opened it yet. We are thinking about how to proceed. Prayerfully, I can assure you.

For all you faithful blog-watchers, we will have a conference call at 6 pm tonight (PT, incl Tucson, or 7 pm in MT and UT), which we hope will allow anyone interested to be there: it's after day activites and before evening activities - we hope!

The number is 308-344-6400, pin 887953#. If you have trouble getting in, hang up and enter the pin slowly, even if it tells you it is invalid. And stand away from a computer while doing that. Maybe call in a few minutes early so you can be sure to be there.

Keep an eye on this blog for changes: If I hear that this time is bad for a few of you, we will try to find a better one. And of course I will post the details right after the call for anyone who has to miss it.

YAY! They do want us after all...any last guesses?


trogonpete said...

we'll be there!

Martie said...

Us too!



Um, how many hours apart are we??

Martie said...

Sorry, jumped the gun. Will call at time you said. :O)

MandaMommy said...

Any chance of doing it like 30 minutes later........? So exciting!

Martie said...

I have a big dilemma. Stk. conf. adult session is at 7 and I need to go. Any chance of earlier instead since PA need it a diff. time?

Sorry to complicate things.